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The Omega's Sweetest Revenge novel Chapter 29

CHAPTER 29: THE School of Pups

"IS THERE ANY other way for this? Lilian wouldn't give me her mark that easily and I understand it," Alpha Karius said in front of Penny the next morning. He already treated Penny as his friend. She's actually nice and one of the people who helped Lilian before so he has no issue about her. She's a witch and he gets her as one of the healers of the pack.

Sighing, a memory from last night came to his mind. He grew a damn boner after pleasuring Lilian. It was damn painful for him and he had to resort with his own hand in his bathroom because Lilian didn't let her enter her after that. He was stunned at her words and was also hurt, he wouldn't deny that. But then, she was right. He's an asshole and he doesn't deserve her mark.

But he's just worried about her. He doesn't want her life to be put at stake here. Her safety is his most priority now. He had already made his own mistake before so he should not make another mistake again.

Penny sighed as she slowly shook her head. "There's... none. I don't know any other way," Penny said with her most sad tone. Penny couldn't help but to pity Alpha Karius. She never knew that she could see him this way. She knew him as ruthless and powerful but ever since Lilian disappeared, it feels like his heart died too.

The only thing that happened beautifully when Lilian was gone is when Alpha Karius became more sensitive to his own pack. He improved a lot when it comes to the wolves. He became a better Alpha and became open to the suggestion of everyone, whether it came from a higher rank wolf or the lowest rank of a wolf.

Until now, Penny still couldn't believe the idea of Alpha Karius destroying the system that has been practiced ever since the Moon Stone pack was formed by his ancestors. His ancestors never really favored the Omegas and treated them slaves. But now... Alpha Karius was able to abolish it and unite everyone no matter what their rank is. He did all of it while Lilian was gone. And Penny has a thought that he did it for her. He became better just for her.

He personally called for her this morning to talk to her about the mark. And he couldn't help but to sigh deeply at her answer. This is really frustrating him. If only he could just Lilian for sex that easily for her to give her mark. But that won't work that way! Damn it!

"Okay... thanks for that, Penny."

Penny sighed heavily at the sight of Alpha Karius like he's losing hope. "She changed a lot, right?" She smiled sadly at what she said. Even though she didn't see Lilian yet, Penny already knew that she changed based on how frustrated Alpha Karius is right now.

Alpha Karius straightened his back when she heard what Penny asked him. He clenched his jaw. "Y-Yeah..." He let out a deep sigh as if he's having a hard time.

She sighed. "That's one of the reasons why I'm still afraid to see her personally. Clarine told me that it was like she's facing a new version of Lilian when she saw her. Lilian is still good to her but it couldn't be denied the barrier between them. It was like she's not familiar with her aura anymore."

He nodded his head. "She hates me," he said as a matter of fact. Well, she wouldn't call him an asshole if she didn't hate him.

"Well, Alpha Karius... what she had been through was not a joke. She experienced hell in your own pack so you couldn't really blame her for acting that way."

"I know. It's all my fault."

Penny was right. He couldn't blame Lilian for being like that to him. Maybe it's her way of punishing him for hurting her before.

Penny softly smiled at Alpha Karius. "Don't worry, Alpha Karius. I know that the old Lilian is still in her. I hope that one day, she will have the courage to forgive you and open her heart to you again."

Penny couldn't help but to be sad for Alpha Karius. She saw how devastated he was when she thought that Lilian was already dead. She saw how he grieved and got hurt multiple times for hoping that Lilian would come back to him someday. And now that she came back, it feels like he's still not able to reach her. She could feel how hard this is for him.

"I hope so, Penny. I hope so..." Alpha Karius replied with a sad smile formed on his lips.


"CAN YOU PLEASE, clean my room?" Lilian asked Nadia when she's about to enter the other guest room to clean. Nadia is holding a dust cloth with a spray on her other other hand.

Nadia cleared her throat nervously. "Uh... I'll ask the other helper to do it, Luna--"

"I want you to do it," Lilian cut her off from speaking with her most intimidated voice.


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