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The Peremptory Casey Davies novel Chapter 40

Seeing that Casey nodded and admitted his lie, Dempsey sneered in his heart.

“Casey is no doubt a nothing-for-good. He knew that it was a lie, but he couldn’t make it clear. Haha, even if he could give an explanation, Amara would not believe it.” Dempsey thought to himself.

When Casey visited him in the afternoon, he had the idea to plant it on Casey; in this way, he could pocket the TV without paying a penny.

He had prepared numerous excuses and lies, but with Casey’s reactions and words, he thought that the excuses and lies were unnecessary. This nothing-for-good actually proved that his lie was a truth.

"Amara, I agree with you. This kind of person is really scheming. And you must drive him out of your home.” said Dempsey.

"Dempsey, I really appreciate your favor this time. If it weren't for you, I was still fooled by this evil-spirited nothing-for-good. How dared he to scheme to snatch out fortune?” Amara looked at Dempsey gratefully. .

"Amara, you don’t need to thank me. It’s just that I can’t give you the money since the TV was broken because of Casey. I have to call the maintenance staff to help me fix it. I guess it will also cost a lot.”

Dempsey said in an innocent tone, indicating that Amara should compensate for her.

Realizing that Dempsey was not going to pay the TV, the gratitude on Amara’s face immediately disappeared. But she couldn’t find an argument to refute him. Dempsey was correct – since the TV was broken, why should he pay for it?

She passed all the bucks onto Casey. Now in her opinion, it was Casey who caused her to loss 40,000 CNY.

“What a jerk. You’re not motivated at all, and just know how to snatch our money. Now we suffered a loss of 40,000 CNY because of you. Tell me, what are you going to do with it?” Amara glared at Casey.

"I didn't break the TV, or to be precise, it was not broken." Casey said in a calm voice.

"What do you mean? Do you mean I was lying? Hey little boy, I’m your senior, do you think that I would play these tricks on you, only to snatch that small amount of money. 40,000 CNY is nothing to me! Amara, if you doubt my words, you can go to my house to have a check. Let’s make clear whether it was broken or not!” Dempsey bit his nose off.

Seeing that Dempsey was angry, Amara comforted him, "Dempsey, don't be angry. You know that Casey is brainless. Don't be bothered by his words. Of course I believe in you."

Dempsey snorted coldly, swung his arms, and said in a cold voice, "I don’t want to waste my time here. If you don’t believe in me, you can go and check by yourself at any time. If I don’t leave now, I’m afraid that I would receive more unreasonable accusations.”

After finishing the words, Dempsey turned around and walked out of Amara's house, as if he had just suffered great grievance.

Amara hurriedly walked over to send him off, and kept putting in good words.

In fact, she kinda doubted that Dempsey deliberately said those words because he didn’t want to pay for the TV.

But she was a face-saving person, and would never spit out her doubts in front of her relatives.

Comparing to doubting Dempsey, she was more willing to believe that it was that villain Casey who was scheming to snatch her money.

After sending Dempsey away, Amara closed the door and glared at Casey resentfully.

"You caused me to lose 40,000 CNY. I won’t let you go easily. What’s more, we have supported your life for several years. Give me 200,000 CNY, and divorce with Edith. Then get out of my house!” Amara said mercilessly.


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