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The Peremptory Casey Davies novel Chapter 991

As soon as he came to the front of the high platform, Casey released his god mind, wanting to see if the mysterious man had arrived on the square.

But after a glance, Casey didn't find any suspicious person, and the mysterious person should have not arrived yet.

What made Casey a bit of a troubled was that he did not find the trace of the mysterious man, nor did he find the trace of Thomas.

This old guy was really unreliable. He had agreed that Casey was only in charge of investigating. If something happened, Thomas would take action to solve the problem. However, this he had not appeared until now. Casey even doubted whether he had already forgotten it.

At this time Jacoff walked in front of Casey and Natasha and said, "Natasha, this banquet is only allowed for people from the upper class of S Country. It is not appropriate for you to bring him over."

"It's none of your business that who I bring." Natasha said coldly to Jacoff.

Jacoff smiled and said, "It's fine, it's okay to bring him here. Anyway, the person expert is looking for is someone of pure descent of S Country, and he can only watch here."

"Natasha, I heard that the mysterious expert who hosted this banquet will select disciples on the spot. I am determined to get this chance. When I become a disciple of the expert, I will propose to you."

Natasha gave Jacoff a disgusting look and said, "I won't agree."

Jacoff didn't care. In his opinion, when he became a disciple of the expert, the Andrew family would beg him to marry Natasha.

After about half an hour, almost all the people who came to the banquet came in, and the square became crowded and noisy.

At this time, several people on the high platform came out carrying a rectangular box. The box was about two meters long and covered with a piece of cloth. Others didn't know what was inside.

After the few people put the box on the high platform, they turned and left.

At this time, a man in a black robe came up from behind the high platform.

This man was in his 50s or 60s, his hair was half black and half white, and he combed it with a hairpin.

The clothing of this person was also quite retro, like the dressing style of the feudal period of C Country.

But no one thought he was strange, but felt that he was unpredictable and extraordinary.

After seeing the person, Casey's eyes suddenly narrowed, then immediately released his god mind and scanned the person again.

What Casey didn't expect was that he couldn't see the strength of this person. That man looked like an ordinary person, but Casey could clearly felt a smell of danger from him.

Before, Casey had only felt this pressure in front of Thomas and Fleming.

It showed that the person on the high platform had at least reached the advanced stage of sublimation, and may be stronger!

And when Casey was observing the man on the high platform with god mind, the man also cast his gaze towards Casey.

He could actually feel that Casey was observing him with god mind!

Casey took back his god mind immediately. At that moment, he also confirmed that Thomas hadn't arrived yet.

If he was the only one to face this mysterious person on the high platform today, it would be another hard fight.

After taking a look at Casey, the mysterious man also showed a joking smile on his face, and muttered, "Unexpectedly, I could still meet a strong guy here. He should have been observing me with his god mind just now. Well, it's really unexpected."

"Awakening god soul at this age, even in Cangyuan World, he is a top genius."


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