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The Peremptory Casey Davies novel Chapter 992

The mysterious man was also taken aback when he heard Casey's words, and then he understood that Casey should already know what kind of situation he was in now.

Therefore, he didn't insist on asking Casey to go to the stage. After all, no matter who he used to demonstrate to everyone, the final result would be the same.

He didn't think that with Casey's strength, he could escape.

So he glanced at Jacoff and said, "Then you come up and give everyone a demonstration."

Seeing that the mysterious man actually gave up Casey and chose him, Jacoff immediately showed a trace of excitement in his eyes, and turned his head to give Casey a triumphant look.

Then he quickly got up on the high platform and stood respectfully in front of the mysterious man.

Natasha looked at Casey in a confused, and asked, "Why are you giving this opportunity to him?"

Casey smiled at Natasha and said, "This is not a good opportunity. If I guess it is right, he should be in danger."

"Danger?" Natasha was confused.

Casey nodded, looking serious. He said, "Although I don't know why this person is hosting this grand banquet. He must cherish evil designs."

"If I'm not wrong, the black light curtains around the square have trapped us here. If something happens later, remember to run as far as possible to the edge of the light curtain. No matter whether you can get out or not, go there and wait. Did you hear that?"

When Natasha heard Casey's words, she looked at Casey in confusion. In her opinion, this should be a grand event. Why would Casey say something terrible would happen later?

However, despite the doubts in her heart, Natasha nodded to Casey. For some unaccountable reason, she felt that she should trust Casey unconditionally.

Casey took a deep breath. The strength of this mysterious man was profound. There would be a hard fight later. Casey could be sure of the situation at that time, and naturally he had no time to take care of Natasha.

Now he could only hope that Natasha would be lucky enough.

The mysterious man opened the lid on the rectangular box, revealing the person lying inside.

The man's eyes were closed tightly, and his forehead was covered with intricate black patterns, which looked quite strange.

Jacoff glanced at the person in the box, and was shocked. He didn't know why the expert put a person in the box, and it looked so terrifying.

The mysterious man smiled at Jacoff, and said, "Don't be afraid, stay closer to me, and soon you will be able to give full play to the greatest value of your life."

Although Jacoff was nervous, he did not dare to disobey the orders of the mysterious man, and immediately walked towards the box.

Seeing Jacoff approaching, the mysterious man immediately formed a complicated magical print on his hand, and then a violent force appeared, covering Jacoff's body

In the next second, Jacoff felt a strong suction appearing all over him. A ripple of fear passed through him, and he instinctively retreated to the back.

But it was too late. Jacoff felt that he could no longer move. The suction was getting stronger and stronger. He felt that his vitality was draining, all of which was flowing into the person lying in the box.

"No!" Jacoff screamed, and then everyone saw that Jacoff had become a corpse.

When everyone saw the mysterious man make magical print, they thought he was going to perform some miracle, but in the end such a terrifying scene appeared.

Everyone screamed in fright, and the square suddenly became chaotic.

Chapter 992 I Won't Let You Hurt Casey 1

Chapter 992 I Won't Let You Hurt Casey 2


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