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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 100

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 100

Emmeline did not say anything, but her red face told Benjamin

everything that needed to be said.

“Don’t forget what Mr. Adelmar told you,” Benjamin reminded her. “He and Mr. Ryker were…”

Emmeline nodded. “I know. I never forgot Master’s words.”

“I’ll be leaving then. Someone will deliver formal clothes for you and the children to the café.”

“No!” Emmeline blurted.

Benjamin stared at her.

“I mean… Abel has already made preparations,” Emmeline explained bashfully

Benjamin was silent for a few seconds before nodding and saying, Alright then.”

The next morning, Emmeline went to settle the discharge paperwork for Hesperus.

Everyone from Meriwether Mansion, other than Adam, was present.

Abel had been there since early in the morning.

Adrien was hostile. “Abel, I’m very grateful that you saved my son, but whatever happens after that is none of your business. You should return to your office.”

“Don’t leave, Daddy!” Hesperus desperately clung to Abel’s hand.

“I’m your daddy, Star!” Adrien crouched to the boy’s eye level. “This man is your uncle.”

“He’s not my uncle.” Hesperus pouted and shook his head. “Sun, Moon, and I want him to be our daddy.”

Adrien was about to throw a tantrum when Julianna came to Hesperus and spoke gently, “Be a good boy and follow your granny home. Sun and Moon are waiting for you.”

“But I want to be with Mommy.” Hesperus looked at Julianna with his puppy eyes. “Mommy, you haven’t spent any time with Sun and Moon lately because you’re in the hospital with me. Why don’t you ask Granny to let them come home with us?”

“No way!” Julianna said angrily. “You will return to the Ryker family!”

“I don’t wanna!” Hesperus reached out to Emmeline. “I don’t want to leave you, Mommy!”


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