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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 99

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 99

“You should’ve changed a long time ago!” Abel roared “Have you ever considered Hesperus’ feelings? He barely escaped death!”

“I know you saved Hesperus!” Adrien was also shouting equally loudly. “You want to tell me that my son would’ve died if you hadn’t saved him, right? Fine, I owe you one then! Are you happy now?”

“This is ridiculous! You haven’t changed at all!” Abel said coldly.

“That’s enough! You two are cousins. Why are you bickering over a woman?” An icy voice was heard at the door.

Emmeline, Abel, and Adrien turned their heads. They saw Adam enter the room escorted by bodyguards.

Abel narrowed his gaze. “What do you mean, Adam?”

“I’m talking about this woman,” Adam said while pointing at Emmeline. “It’s your duty to save the child because he has Ryker family blood, but the woman? You shouldn’t tear each other apart because of her. No man from the Ryker family is ever short of attention from women.”

Abel shielded Emmeline behind him. “You’re talking about yourself and Adrien, right?”

Adam scoffed. “Abel, rumor has it that you don’t like being close to women, and Timothy was the result of someone’s trap. I didn’t expect you to be as eager as Adrien to fight over a woman!”

Abel chuckled. “Are you here just to tell me that?”

“Of course not,” Adam said. “Grandfather wants to host a party to celebrate his great grandson’s recovery. I’m here to inform you two of that.”

Abel and Adrien were surprised. Emmeline was surprised too.

Oscar wants to host a party to celebrate Star’s recovery! That’s… very sudden!

“I don’t think that’s a good idea. Star is still young, and it’s not very prudent to host a party for him,” Emmeline said.

“Are you in charge here?” Adam gazed profoundly at Emmeline before turning to speak to Abel and Adrian again. “Tomorrow night, at Ryker Mansion. Got it?”

He turned around and left. Adrien also left soon after that.

“Um… I’ll bring some formal clothes for you and the children to the café,” Abel said.


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