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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 120

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 120

“Why aren’t you admitting it? You practically live in the Imperial Palace, and your member is overused and shriveled by now, Stop lying to Grandfather. He’s blaming me for not marrying you!”

Adrien subconsciously reached between his legs.

“I’m still very healthy! Why must you insult me like this, Emma?”

“You should stop pretending,” Emmeline said. “You want me to marry you? Sure, but you’ll have to prove to me you can perform!”

“I…” Adrien was thoroughly humiliated. “This isn’t the end of it, Emmeline!”

“Oh, of course it’s not. I’ll meet you tomorrow so you can prove you’re still able!”

“Deal” Adrien was furious “If I’m really impotent, I won’t marry anyone for the rest of my life!”

“You said that yourself.” Emmeline sat down on her chair. “It’s a promise then. Find a time and place tomorrow and give me a call.”

“Grandfather, we’ll let this matter rest for now. When I prove to her that I’m still a man, you can set a date for our marriage. If she wants to be convinced before she marries me, I’ll convince her alright!”

“Fine then,” Oscar said sullenly. “You’d better not humiliate the Ryker family!”

We’ll see about that, Emmeline!

Adrien thought After a fiery exchange, Oscar finally yielded. The marriage between Emmeline and Adrien would be put to rest for now.

The remaining issue on the agenda was Abel and Alana’s marriage.

Abel did not know what Emmeline was thinking.

He wondered how Emmeline knew that Adrien was impotent, even though Emmeline hated him and had never made out with him before.

Who could have told her?

While Abel was deep in thought, Oscar turned his gaze at him.

After taking a sip of water from his glass, Oscar continued speaking.


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