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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 121

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 121

Lewis frowned. “How can you think like that, Abel? If you’re defying your grandfather because of Emmeline, aren’t you worried that you’re putting Emmeline’s life in danger?”

“Yes, my son,” Rosaline was already sobbing. “I’m a woman like Emmeline, but I think it’s not worth it to betray your family because of a woman!”

“It’s worth it to me!” Abel gazed at Emmeline longingly. “Grandfather, if you insist on making the decision for me, I’ll elope with Emmeline. We’ll change our identities and live simple, unremarkable lives until the end of our days.”

“You ingrate!” Oscar roared angrily. “If you take a step out of Ryker Mansion, I’ll break your legs, tie you to a wheelchair, and put you on a feeding tube for the rest of your life!”

“Yes, my son,” Lewis said. “You shouldn’t let your parents down!”

“Abel thinks that running the Ryker Group is less important than a woman. don’t think he deserves to be the CEO,” Landen said.

“I don’t think so too!” Julianna added.

“Landen! Julianna!” Lewis and Rosaline glared at them resentfully.

“Was I wrong?” Landen scoffed. “Would you trust someone so fickle to run the company?”

“My son isn’t fickle!” Lewis was furious.

“You heard what he just said!”

“Abel!” Emmeline stood up. “Don’t be so full of yourself. I’m not going to change my identity or live an unremarkable life for you! I’m sick of being poor and having to work hand- to-mouth to feed my triplets. If you become penniless, I’ll look down upon you!”

I didn’t know she’s like that! Abel thought.

Alana lifted her head and smiled gently.

So you’re that kind of woman! It looks like I’ve worried too much!

Emmeline sniffled. “Just stay where you are and be the CEO of Ryker Group. I don’t care and don’t want to care whether you become engaged to Ms. Lane, but as long as you’re the CEO of Ryker Group, I might flirt with you if I’m feeling lonely!”

Abel stuck out his tongue and licked his dry lips.

What does this woman want? Why don’t I understand her?

She openly challenged Adrien’s manhood, and now she’s saying that she’ll only want to be with me as long as I’m the CEO of Ryker Group.


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