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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 122

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 122

Adrien guessed that Emmeline was almost arriving. He sprayed cologne in the air and twirled around in the resulting mist.

Adrien was coated in a fine layer of fragrance.

That was the perfect setup.

Adrien looked into the mirror and made sure his hair was immaculate. He was satisfied with his looks.

I’m sure Emma will fall head over heels for me!

Emma parked her motorcycle in the parking lot, took off her helmet, and strode into the lobby.

The marble floor and pillars reflected her gallant figure in a black leather jacket.

The receptionists in the lobby were surprised.

Wow! Is she a celebrity?

Two guests could not take their eyes off Emmeline.

“May I know where your attention lies? Never seen a lady before?” Emmeline grunted.

Bang! One of the guests ran straight into a pillar.

“Hmph!” Emmeline straightened her hair and walked into the elevator.

She went up to the presidential suite on the 39th floor. Adrien had sent her the room number, and she quickly found it.

As soon as she rang the doorbell, Adrien opened the door impatiently.

He had been waiting at the door for fifteen minutes, and he could not hold it back for much fonger.

Emma is finally here! I’ve been waiting for this moment!

“Emma!” Adrien grinned cloyingly. “Please come in!”

Emmeline inspected Adrien from head to toe.

He looks so well-dressed today, if not a little effeminate.

Emmeline strode into the suite. Her assertive demeanor intimidated Adrien a bit.

“So… Now that you’re here, shall we begin? You can try it for yourself.”


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