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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 133

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 133

have a mansion. Why don’t we go there?” Abel said.

“That place? It’s not in a liveable condition. You’ve only been back for a few months, and no one has been taking care of that place. It’d feel less like a home,” Luca said.

Abel turned his head toward the café across the street.

That place feels like home, but I can no longer return there.

I shouldn’t have packed up and moved out. if I insisted on staying, what can Emmeline do?

If I don’t let her refund the rent and insist that she cook for me, what can she do?

However, it was too late by now.

Certain words had been spoken.

Abel felt incredibly down as he looked at the suitcases in Luca’s hands..

“Let’s go to the mansion. What’s it called again?”

“The Precipice,” Luca answered.

“Right, that’s it. It sounds dangerous. Let’s go,” Abel said.

Abel sat in the driver’s seat, and they left on the Rolls-Royce Ghost.

Standing on the balcony, Emmeline watched Abel’s car

drive away along the street.

She wished he would turn around

and return to the café.

If he insisted on staying, I would’ve let him stay.

If he wanted me to cook for him, I’d let him eat.

Of course, he’s a man of his word. I shouldn’t expect him to regret what he said.

Yes, he sat in his car and drove away so quickly.

He’s going back to Alana!

“Go wherever you want. I don’t care!” Emmeline wiped her tears and sniffled before taking her phone to call Benjamin.

“Yes, Ms. Louise, how can I help you?”

“Let me ask you, did Abel ask me

to treat Alana?” Emmeline mumbled.

Benjamin nodded. “Yes.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“If Abel is treating you like that, I don’t see the need to tell you.”

“You mean, he intends to propose to Alana?”

“It’s not just that,” Benjamin said. “He said he wants Alana to recover so he can marry her as soon as possible. He’s even willing to pay whatever price it takes!”


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