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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 134

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 134

Emmeline wiped her tears. “Later at night, go to the hospital with me. I want to visit Alána.”

“Why?” Benjamin wondered what Emmeline was planning.

“I want to see if things are like what Abel said.”

Benjamin nodded. “Sure. Maybe you’ll finally give up on him!”

At night, Emmeline and Benjamin went to Ryker’s Hospital,

“Wait for me in the car. It’ll be troublesome if we are found out.”

Emmeline put on a doctor’s white coat and wore a mask.

Benjamin nodded. “Mm. Take


Emmeline nodded, opened the car door, and went to the hospital

ward with her hands in her pockets.

It was past visiting hours, and only patients and medical personnel remained in the wards.

Emmeline quickly made her way to Alana’s room.

Alana was sleeping when she felt a hand grasp her wrist.

She opened her eyes in shock.

Sitting next to her was a female doctor.

“Are you checking on me, Doctor?” Alana asked, feeling slightly


I’m the doctor on duty tonight. I’m only here for a routine checkup,” Emmeline said.

Alana was surprised. No, that can’t be. Quentin said he’ll be the only doctor on my case. What’s going on?

Alana did not say anything. She let Emmeline take her pulse.

She looked closely at Emmeline’s eyes which were not obscured by the mask.

Those eyes were animated and bewitching…

Alana smiled imperceptibly and said, “Am I getting better, Doctor? I need to recover as fast as I can. My husband is waiting for me to marry him.”

“My husband said I saved his life, so he wants to marry me, and we can have a few more children. My mother-in-law can’t wait for more children, and my grandfather too…”

Emmeline stood up.

“How is my condition, Doctor?”


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