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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 150

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 150

Luca regarded Alana suspiciously, thinking that the question was too general. “He went to the market, cooked dinner, and took care of the children,” he answered.

Alana was surprised. What? Since when is he a house-husband?

The room door beeped, and a red light on the door went off.

The technician cheered excitedly. “The system has been restored to factory settings, and the lockdown is lifted!”

“Thank goodness,” Luca said. “Open the door! Mr. Ryker can’t wait to get out!”

The technician entered the default passcode, and the door opened.

A group of eight people entered the room. Quentin also pushed Alana’s wheelchair into the room.

However, those people soon regretted barging into the room without surveying the scene first.

They saw what they were not supposed to see.

The technician was in the front. He wondered if he should leave the room.

Two people were on the bed. One was Abel, whose upper body was bare, and the other was Emmeline in his embrace.

They were sleeping… soundly.

Emmeline’s leg was out of the blanket and rested on top of

Abel’s leg.

One could easily fantasize about what was happening under the sheets.

Luca and the bodyguards lifted their heads and turned away.

“Ahh!” Alana shrieked as though someone had stepped on her tail.

Everyone was shocked, especially the two on the bed.

“What’s with the ruckus?”

Emmeline mumbled. “Can’t they

tell I’m still sleeping?”

She buried her head into Abel’s chest.

Abel hugged her tightly as though she was the most precious thing

in the world.

“Emmeline Louise! Get up at this instant!” Alana yelled.

The two people on the bed were shocked awake.

Abel was lying on the edge of the bed. He fell to the floor.

When he saw the scene in front of him, he was dumbfounded.

Why are there so many people in the room, and why are they staring at us?


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