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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 151

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 151

Quentin had no choice. He bent down, preparing to give Alana CPR.

Before he could do so, Alana drew in a deep gulp of air and wheezed, “I…I’m much better now.”

Quentin straightened up, feeling considerably relieved; however, he could not help being somewhat disappointed as well.

Alana took another few labored breaths, then gave Abel her most pitiful look.

Abel deliberately averted his gaze and refused to look at her. Instead, he told Quentin, “Take her back to the hospital, Dr. Anderson. Make sure nothing happens to her.”

“Abel…” Alana protested, pouting

all teary-eyed like a spoiled child.

“I’ll visit you later.” Abel gestured impatiently and turned away.

“Let’s go, Ms. Lane,” Dr. Anderson murmured, wheeling her downstairs.

“All of you, leave now,” Abel ordered. “Everything’s fine here.”

Luca hurriedly ushered everyone out of the room like a mother hen herding a disobedient brood.

Abel stopped him at the door before he left as well. “Luca, give the children breakfast, then send them to kindergarten.”

“Yes, Mr. Abel. I’ll do that.”

Abel shut the door firmly in his


Emmeline emerged from under the blankets where she had buried herself the moment everyone invaded the room. “Oh shit, oh shit, how the hell am I going to show my face in public?” She wailed in agitation.

“We haven’t done anything we shouldn’t,” Abel said placatingly. “There’s no need to fear rumors if we haven’t done anything wrong, right?”

“Then you go explain the entire mess to them and tell them nothing happened between us. Who’s going to believe you?” Emmeline shot back derisively.

Upon consideration, Abel had to admit she had a point. If everyone

knew that he had spent the night with a beautiful woman in his arms without doing anything about it, they would suspect he was either lying or something was wrong with him.

Right at that moment, Emmeline’s phone rang.

Abel looked as if he had just bitten down on a lemon. It must be Benjamin, calling to check up on her.

However, when he glanced at her phone screen, the name on the display read, “Film Set.”

“Film set?” Abel blinked. “What film set?”

Emmeline had already snatched up the phone to answer the call.


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