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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 152

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 152

Abel wanted to bring up the friend request he had sent Emmeline on social media, but somehow, the words stuck in his throat and he couldn’t get them out.

Actually, the same thought had occurred to Emmeline as well, but since Abel hadn’t mentioned it, she didn’t bring it up either.

Who asked you to delete me off your friends list? All I did was block you; I can unblock you anytime, but you wanted to be melodramatic! Well, I’m not going to add you, so there! You can be anxious all you want; serve you right!

She shoved Abel aside and rushed out the door, running downstairs.

Abel stood at the window and watched as the proud, petite little

figure hurried out the gate, got into the car, and sped off to the film set.

He immediately picked up the phone and called Adrien. “Adrien, how can you live with yourself? If you can’t even financially support your own children, you shouldn’t be sowing wild oats everywhere. You tell me, what can I even say about that?”

On the other end of the receiver, Adrien blinked in confusion as Abel chastised him.

“Abel, what on earth is going on? What’s got you so hot under the collar? And who says I can’t financially support my kids?”

“You have the gall to say that to me?” Abel sounded furious. “Are

you aware that Emmeline’s working as a stunt performer on a film set now? It’s a grueling, dangerous job. Have you ever considered that? She wouldn’t take any money from me, even though I offered it to her, but you’ll likely have more success if you try. After all, she can’t very well decline. Don’t forget, you’re the father of those boys!”

Adrien stood stock-still, dumbstruck. Emmeline was working as a stunt performer on that film set? When he met her the other day, he had assumed she was just there as a curious visitor; it had never occurred to him that she was actually there as part of the crew!

A cold hand clutched at his heart. “D*mn it!” He slapped himself. The

boys weren’t in such dirt-poor straits that they would actually be reduced to eating dirt, would they?

He thought about calling Emmeline right away but paused. No, he couldn’t have this conversation with her over the phone. Abel had said that she was doing stunts on the film set, so she would probably come over later.

Then again, perhaps it might be better if he headed over there to see her instead.

On second thoughts, that wouldn’t do. He couldn’t go there unprepared; a certain decorum had to be observed.

“Carry on first,” Adrien instructed his employees with a wave. “I’ll be

back soon.”

“Yes, Mr. Adrien.” The employees waved back at him.

During this period, Adrien had been very conscientious, keeping an eagle eye on their work progress. They couldn’t slack off even if they wanted to. Why was he so interested in the progress of the new film anyway? It was like he wanted to get into the Golden Camel Television and Film Festival or something.


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