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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 154

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 154

Adrien still left.

Janie’s disposition toward

Emmeline underwent a complete transformation.

“Emma, I misunderstood you. I’m sorry.”

“Emma, would you like to be my best friend? We can spend time together and do fun things.”

“Hey, Emma, next time you schedule something with Mr. Benjamin, shall we grab some food together?”

“Ms. Eastwood,” Emmeline said impatiently, “I still have work to do. Can we talk another time?”

“Oh, okay,” Janie said, waving her hand. “I won’t take up much more

of your time. Emma, I’ll see you soon.”

“Okay,” Emmeline said, her ears finally at peace.

“Emma!” Director Faughn shouted from outside, “It’s your turn!”

“Okay, I’m coming!”

Emmeline changed her clothes and left the set after filming.

Adrien’s sports car was elegantly parked outside the renowned Pizzeria Draghi, a local

establishment known for its delectable pizza.

He acted cool and propped himself against the hood of his car, a faint smile playing upon his lips as he awaited the arrival of a pretty lady.

As Emmeline approached him, she leaned over and deftly opened the passenger door next to the driver’s side.

“Here, I’m returning this to you.”

Emmeline removed her necklace and gave it to Adrien after she noticed that he had entered the car and shut the door.

“I didn’t want to embarrass you in front of Janie.”

Adrien was stunned for a moment.

“I didn’t come here to eat. I’m

going back to the café.”

“Emma,” Adrien exclaimed as he

hastily took hold of her hand, “I understand you’re busy earning a living, but you don’t have to exert yourself so much. You still have me. I’ll look after you and the kids. I’m not the same Adrien I used to be. You have to trust me!”

“We’ll see about that,” Emmeline said as she reached for the car door.

“Emma.” Adrian held her back again. “I’ll give you a bank card right now. It’s for the children’s living expenses. You really don’t have to rush back to sell coffee.”

Emmeline was quiet for a while.

Emmeline’s expression turned sullen as she replied, “My employee is managing the café alone, so I need to hurry back.”

“But what about the children’s living expenses…”

“I can handle the kids on my own.”

With the bank card in hand, Adrien watched as Emmeline swiftly shut the car door and disappeared from view.

The massive motorcycle she rode was still stationed at the studio’s entrance.

She got caught in the rain


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