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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 155

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 155

“Whatever it is, I basically hate

Emmeline to death, so go find her and scold her!”

For a brief moment, Alondra found herself rendered speechless.

Then Alondra thought to herself, “I’m going to see Emmeline now, but not to scold her.”

Considering her close relationship with Adelmar’s Benjamin and the fact that the Louise family’s business relies on her, do you believe it would be suitable for me to give her a reprimand?

“Sure,” Alondra replied

nonchalantly, “I can help you vent your anger, depending on the


“Thank you for going through all this trouble for me, Auntie Alondra.”

“Why are you being so formal with mé? We’re not strangers.”

“When I become the young

mistress of the Ryker family, I will certainly treat you well, Auntie Alondra.”

“That’s for sure,” Alondra said with a smile, “I’ve done a lot to help


“Rest assured, Auntie Alondra, I will remember this.”

“Okay, then I think I’ll hang up now.”

“Goodbye, Auntie Alondra.”

Alana finally felt better after she hung up the phone.

This isn’t over yet, Emmeline. Just wait and see!

Meanwhile, Sam said at the café, “Ms. Louise, you didn’t return all night, and we were worried sick.”

Daisy chimed in, “That’s right. How would we explain it to Master Adelmar if something happened to you or the triplets?”

Sam added, “Don’t forget there’s

Mr. Benjamin too. You had us worried sick, Daisy and I!”

“Okay, okay,” said Emmeline, “It’s all my fault, should have told you.”

“This cannot happen again,” Sam stated, “I’m afraid Master Adelmar will punish me.”

Daisy also added, “Please keep this in mind, Ms. Louise. Otherwise, things will become very difficult for us.”

Emmeline reassured them,

“Please don’t worry. I promise I

won’t do it again!”

The door to the café swung open

as the three talked, and a middle- aged woman walked in.

Emmeline lifted Ker gaze and saw that it was Alondra.

“Empía, your father recovered quite quickly this time, and the doctor discharged him today,” Alondra said.


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