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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 157

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 157

With more people dining that day, including children, Ethan opted to assist the cook in the kitchen.

Emmeline, familiar with the children’s favorite dishes, also donned an apron and joined in to lend a hand.

Meanwhile, Alondra graciously offered Benjamin some beverages while Maxwell had a charming smile on his face.

“Mr. Benjamin, please don’t take the previous incident to heart. For Emma’s sake, Adelmar must

assist Louise Corporation, or the situation will become extremely challenging for them.”

Grace stewed in anger on the sidelines, complaining inwardly, “Why didn’t you say that when you evicted Ethan from the Louise Corporation? Aren’t you just flip- flopping now?”

“Adelmar will share any fitting business opportunity with Louise Corporation,” Benjamin said, “After all, you are Emma’s family.”

Emma’s family?

On hearing that, Alondra felt a sense of hope and quickly poured more tea into Benjamin’s cup.

“Thank you very much, Mr. Benjamin.” Maxwell was overjoyed.

“In the end, aren’t you still relying on Ethan and Emma?” Grace, unable to control her anger, muttered and rolled her eyes.

Alondra smiled at Grace and said, “Well, what can we do? We’re all family.” She then asked, “Is your child in junior high school now? Why didn’t he come with you?”

“He lives on campus!” replied Grace angrily.

“Bring him to his grandpa’s house during the holidays,” Alondra suggested, “Your father misses his grandson.”

Grace commented, “Dad has probably forgotten what his

grandson looks like.”

Grace was still seething with


Alondra’s face tightened and inwardly criticized, “If I had my own son and daughter, I could rely on them in my old age. Do I even need to put up with all of you?”

The situation was truly


After some time had passed, the

kitchen finished preparing the

dishes, and the entire family

gathered to dine.

Grace and Emmeline worked

together to care for the children;


before long, the triplets had finished eating.

After that, the triplets departed from the table, leaving the remaining adults who were still dining and conversing. Eventually, the atmosphere became tranquil.

“Emma,” Maxwell said, “Can you stop blaming me for what happened in the past? I am also getting old. You know, I almost died from a cerebral infarction a few days ago.”

“That’s true,” Alondra said, pretending to sob, “What will happen to me when your dad is gone? We’ve been together for most of our lives.”

“Don’t worry,” Emmeline assured Alondra, “Even if Dad is fine and lives up to a hundred years old, my brother and I will not abandon you!”


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