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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 158

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 158

I’m so silly,” Emmeline exclaimed as she smacked her own head. “I completely forgot about that.”

“I think that’s enough, Ms. Louise,” Daisy advised her, “I can see that Mr. Abel looks haggard.”

“That’s because he was keeping Alana company at the hospital,” Emmeline explained. However, she quickly grew angry and added, “Anyway, it’s none of your business. Go do your own thing.”

Daisy let out a soft sigh and went downstairs.

Emmeline brought the ointment back to her room, lay on the sofa, and stared at it.

Abel had actually planned to come and apply ointment on her.

He was unaware that she had already fully recovered after using her own secret formula.

Despite everything, she still felt a bit thankful because he was still thinking about her.

With that, Emmeline stowed the ointment away in the drawer.

Emmeline sent the triplets to kindergarten the next morning before heading to the filming

studios to work as a stunt double.

Janie came by unexpectedly

again, but the visit was different

from yesterday.

With a big smile on her face, Janie

stood in front of Émmeline,

holding a large bouquet of flowers/

Emmeline was aware that the reason she approached her was because of Benjamin. As such, she gave her a once-over.

Although this girl wielded a commanding presence, she maintained a pristine appearance and seemed like a good girl.

The powerful aura she exuded was likely a learned behavior honed through her professional endeavors. For to attain such a lofty rank at such a tender age was no small feat.

Emmeline thought that Janie and Benjamin would make a good couple.

Janie presented the flowers to Emmeline with a charming smile, remarking, “These are for you, Emma. Aren’t they lovely?”

Emmeline, dressed in a warrior costume and holding a spear, shook her head and said, “This general only likes manly things, not girly stuff!”

“Oh, all right.” Janie reluctantly returned the flowers to her grasp before tenderly entwining her


ether arm with Emmeline’s.

“Hey, Emma, since we’re best friends, can I ask you for a favor?”

Emmeline mused, “Well, as the saying goes, ‘don’t bite the hand that feeds you.”

Emmeline responded, “What’s the matter? Go ahead and tell me.”

“Well, it’s like this,” Janie said as she leaned in towards Emmeline, “I was wondering if you could help me invite Mr. Benjamin out for a meal.”

It was as she had expected.

Emmeline intentionally made


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