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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 173

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 173

Alana got up in a hurry and washed her face before applying powder.

She painted her face to bring out the discoloration and fragility. Her delicate presence was tainted with frailty.

Abel arrived an hour later.

He also brought her imported fruits.

If Luca was there, he would say that he simply bought the fruits without much thought.

Alana was overjoyed.

“I knew you were thinking of me, Mr. Abel. I knew you would visit.”

“Yeah. How are you doing?” Abel

remained callous.

Hanging her head low, Alana choked with sobs, “The injury doesn’t hurt that much anymore, but it’s suffocating when I try to breathe. I often feel breathless.”

“I will find a way to make you feel better. You got injured from saving me,” Abel responded.

Alana bashfully replied, “Don’t say that. We’ll be a family soon. Besides, we have Timothy.”

Abel let out a soft sigh.

He had Timothy with Alana while Emmeline had three children with Adrien.

The messy relationships were the biggest obstacle between them.

Haunted by the past, Abel and Emmeline could not open their hearts fully to love again.

“Mr. Abel, don’t worry about my health. I can go on with the engagement party. Have you picked a date?” Alana said.

“I’m here for this reason.”

Abel added, “Can you let me know your preferred dates? Mom and Grandad want to look at the dates that would suit everybody’s schedule.”

“Great. So that’s what Madame Ryker and Grandad are occupied with. Here I was, worried for nothing.”

“We can get ready to be engaged once my mom will run through the

suitable dates and discuss them with Grandad and the wedding planner.”

“I’ll text you the dates later.” Alana’s bright eyes belied her illness.

“Okay. I got to go. Business calls,” Abel uttered.

“Don’t let me take up your time,

Mr. Abel. I’ll text you now, so you’ll

get the message in a bit.”

Abel rose to his feet and exited the ward.

Holding back her thrill, Alana texted all the possible dates she could think of to Abel.

Abel forwarded the message to Rosaline.

Rosaline wrote to her son, “Don’t worry. I’ve paid off the wedding planner and consultant.”


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