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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 174

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 174

Emmeline grabbed his shoulders and turned Adrien around. Facing his ride, Adrien ended up giving his sports car a Kug.

“Emma, can’t I hold you? I’m the father of your children, you know!” Adrien got up from his car hood.

“Let me stop you there. Don’t bring that up again. I agreed to have dinner together as a friend. We can cancel dinner if you get other ideas. You can forget us being friends,” Emmeline replied.

“Okay. I won’t think otherwise. We can start with friends.” Adrien put his hands up in surrender.

“Okay. My bike is up ahead. I’ll head home for a change of

clothes. Wait for me outside the café.”

“Alright!” Emmeline’s wish was Adrien’s command.

Just before pulling his car door open, he flirtatiously called out to Emmeline.

“What do you want now?” Annoyed, Emmeline looked back.

“Emma, put on something pretty.”

With a scowl, Emmeline was about to tell him to beat it.

Reading the room, Adrien swung his door open and jumped inside.

Emmeline rode her bike, traversing along the road.

Driving behind, Adrien tried to keep up, but he soon lost track of


It took fifteen minutes before Emmeline was back in the café.

She parked the bike in the garage. and went upstairs to wash up before putting on a white dress.

By the time Emmeline arrived downstairs, Adrien had pulled up at the front.

He opened the glass door for Emmeline with a bright smile.

Emmeline gave him a skeptical look. “Why do I get a feeling that you’re up to no good?”

“No. I think you’re beautiful.

Whatever you wear beats all the

dolled-up women,” Adrien

answered with a grin.

“Save the sucking up for someone


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