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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 181

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 181

“Ms. Louise, have you gottén back together with Mr. Ryker?” Daisy drew close.

Emmeline gave her the evil eye. “What gives you the impression?”

“My eyes…? Ms. Louise, you’re on the right track. You and Mr. Abel are made for each other,” Daisy gave her two cents.

“Easy for you to say. Abel and I will be a match in heaven if you can switch the father of my three

children to Abel,” Emmeline rolled her eyes.

“That’s true. Why do you have

Adrien sticking out like a sore

thumb between you two? He doesn’t fit in the equation.” Daisy looked disappointed.

Ain’t that the truth?

Emmeline would have long jumped on Abel if Adrien and Alana were out of the picture.

No way was she going to leave such a brilliant man out in the cold.

“Daisy, make extra tonight. I want to keep Mr. Ryker for dinner,” Emmeline said.

“Sure,” Daisy responded..

She was happy that Ms. Louise intended to ask Abel to stay for dinner.

Daisy believed Abel was the real father of the three kids.

More than an hour later, Abel

elimbed down from the platform.

With his sleeves rolled up, his white shirt was covered in mud and grass clippings.


Even his face was stained with dift.

Judging by the way he turned out, Emmeline believed he got down and dirty at exterminating the bugs.

She could finally rest.

Otherwise, she would be startled awake from her nightmares.

“Thank you. Have a shower. We can have dinner when the kids are back from school.” Emmeline


Abel uttered, “I don’t have a change of clothes here. I should head back.”

It then occurred to Emmeline that he had moved his things out.

Abel was in for some free food too, but he could barely stand the dirt on him.

“Alright then.” While disappointed, Emmeline gave a nod.

Abel grabbed his jacket and folded it over his arm before

brushing past Emmeline.

Emmeline held him back.

Getting on her tiptoes, she planted a fleeting kiss on his cheek.

Abel was taken aback.

This was the second time Emmeline had kissed him today.


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