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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 182

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 182

Emmeline arrived at the plaza of the Adelmar building in less than a quarter.

She hopped off her bike and went into the lobby on the first floor.

Emmeline pulled out her phone to give Benjamin a call.

It did not take more than five minutes for Benjamin to walk out of his exclusive elevator.

“What brings you here, Emma?”

Paying him no mind, Emmeline made a beeline to the CEO’s elevator and pressed the button for the top floor.

Benjamin wanted to squeeze into the elevator, but the shaft had

started moving up.

He had to take the elevator for employees.

Emmeline entered the leisure center on the rooftop.

As expected, Janie was scrubbing away in the pool, wearing a cleaner’s uniform.

“Emma!” Janie got up from all fours at the sight of Emmeline.

She latched to Emmeline and wailed, “Not only did Benjamin yell at me, but he left me to do the dirty and tiring work. Tell me. What should I do?”

“I’ll teach him a lesson! Is it worth the trouble over something so small?” Emmeline asked.

Janie wiped away her tears and

tooked Emmeline in the eye. Her eyes were sparkling.

“Emma, who on earth are you? You can teach Mr. Benjamin a lesson?”

“Hold you I sell coffee for a living and perform stunts on the side.”

“That must be fake. I bet you’re somebody! Take me as your number one fan, Emma!” Janie blurted.

“What are you saying? I’m just a distant cousin to Benjamin. There’s nothing special about me. You should keep your career as one of Benjamin’s managers,” Emmeline replied.

“But I’ve been demoted to a cleaner. I didn’t think it would be

hard to get Mr. Benjamin.” Janie looked sad.

“Are you going to continue your pursuit then?” Emmeline teased her.

“Vam! I will still go after him even if he makes me clean the toilets,” Janie proclaimed.

“Great. You can start with the toilets.” An indifferent voice came from behind.

T pair looked back and saw Benjamin standing against the light with folded arms and a chilling smile.

“Mr. Benjamin! Don’t make me clean the toilets. I’d rather clean

the swimming pool.” Janie nearly dropped to her knees.



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