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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 193

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 193

“Emmeline.” Alana smiled softly. She came over and sat on the bedside. “Are you feeling better? Abel told me last night that you were drunk, worried about you and wanted to see you at midnight. But Abel hugged me tight and didn’t let me go.”

Emmeline’s eyes widened. What is Alana talking about?

Emmeline had been in a coma last night and did not know what had happened. All she knew was that when she opened her eyes this morning, Abel stayed beside her. But Alana’s words made her suspicious about that.

“Abel was with you last night?” Emmeline could not believe it.

“Yes.” Alana smiled gently. “After

you got the injection, you fell asleep, and Abel went to my ward. He knew I had been suffering from insomnia in the hospital, so he stayed with me to sleep, but I don’t know when he came over to you because I was asleep by then.”

Emmeline was stunned. Really?

Alana saw that Emmeline still had some disbelief, so she signaled at Quentin.

“Dr. Anderson, do you know what time Abel came here?”

“About five o’clock,” Quentin said, “When Mr. Abel came to the

observation room from the

inpatient department, I just came out of the emergency room, so I remember it very clearly.”

“So Abel has been with me for hours.”

“Ms. Louise is fine. So Mr. Abel must accompany you,” Quentin said.

Seeing that Emmeline’s face turned pale, Alana stood up in satisfaction.

“Emmeline, you rest first. I won’t bother you anymore.”

“Hmm.” Emmeline nodded indifferently. “Goodbye.”

Alana turned around and left with a smug smile. Emmeline was left to wander in the ward.

Abel actually went to accompany Alana last night? But he was lying next to me just now!

Emmeline felt annoyed.

Abel, you’re not that disgusting, are you?

After thinking about it, Emmeline decided to leave the hospital.

She only drank a little hard liquor. It was no big deal. Besides, no matter whether what Alana said

was true, Emmeline did not want to see Abel again.

She had no idea how to ask him. But if she did not ask him, she would feel upset. So it was better not to see him.

Emmeline walked through the


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