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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 194

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 194

“Adrien?” Abel called.

Adrien turned around. “Abel?”

“Are you here to get your

medicine?” Abel asked, “Are you

okay now?”

Adrien did not know how to

answer. His expression was sullen, and he felt a little embarrassed.

Seeing his expression, Abel knew Adrien had not recovered, so he changed the topic. “Did you see Emma? She was here just now.”

Adrien thought for a while, then decided to conceal Abel that he saw Emmaline.

“No, I just came here.”

“Okay!” Abel thought Emmeline had left.

She had always been stubborn and thought she was alright, then returned to Nightfall Cafe without telling him.

Abel did not say anything else and walked past Adrien.

Leaving the medicine hall, he took out his mobile phone and called Emmeline. However, the

notification told him his contact number was still on her blacklist.

Abel angrily took out the car keys and rushed to the parking lot.

After waking up in the morning, Benjamin was worried about

Emmeline. She drank a lot of hard liquor last night. Although she fell asleep when he left, he did not know if she felt uncomfortable at midnight.

After all, the stamina of hard liquor was strong.

Benjamin drove the car to Nightfall Cafe. After he parked the car in the parking lot, Janie also

came. What a coincidence for them to meet here.

“Why do you come again?”

Benjamin got out of the car.

While parking, Janie said through the car window, “I’m here to thank Emmeline. I won’t delay going to work if I find her now.”

“Thank her for what?” Benjamin

frowned. “I think you’re here to disturb her.”

“Why disturb?” Janie limped out of the cab. “I really thank her. Without her, you won’t take me to the hospital last night. You see, my foot is almost healed.”

Upon hearing that, Benjamin squinted his eyes and thought wrongly about it.

“Janie, don’t tell me that Emmeline gave you the idea to hurt yourself. And your purpose is to ask me to take you to the hospital?”

“Of course not!” Janie denied, “Do you think Emma is that bad and I’m that idle? I didn’t think of pursuing you by using bad tricks!”


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