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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 209

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 209

don’t know.” Timothy continued crying in Kendra’s arms.

“You should go to your mother. No mother would be cruel enough to abandon’a child.”

“But…” Timothy thought of Emmeline and shook his head

“Mommy will send me to Daddy again, and everything will be the same.”

“Then, what do you do? It’s getting late now.”

“I don’t know.”

Kendra suggested, “Maybe your can go home with me first. After you think about it, I’ll help your make a call. You can choose to find your father or mother, okay?”

Timothy thought for a while, then nodded. “Okay.”

I don’t know where to go anyway. Just listen to this auntie first.

“Okay, come with me.” Kendra crossed the zebra crossing with Timothy and her baby.

After turning several corners, Timothy followed Kendra to a tree- lined road.

“Auntie, aren’t we arrived yet?” Timothy could barely move.

He followed Kendra while clutching the baby carriage and had already walked a lot. He was full of sweat, and he was gasping.

“I’m so sorry.” Kendra stroked Timothy’s head. “I don’t have much money, so I can’t také a taxi. We can only walk a few steps.”

“Okay then.” Timothy nodded sensibly. “I’m not tired. I can help you push the baby.”

“Thank you.” Kendra wiped the sweat off Timothy’s face and smiled. “You’re a good boy.”

Suddenly, the baby began to cry. Kendra had no choice but stopped the baby carriage at the roadside. Then, she bent down and picked up the baby.


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