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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 210

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 210

Kendra squatted and asked Timothy, “Little boy, you haven’t told me. What’s your name? How old are you?”

Timothy looked at Kendra before replying, “My name is Timothy Ryker. I’m four years old.

“Where is your home? What are your parent’s names?”

Timothy did not want to mention Abel, let alone admit that he was Alana’s child. After thinking about it, he lowered his head and answered, “My mommy is Emmeline Louise.”

“Emmeline… Louise?” Kendra frowned, then asked, “Do you have any siblings?”

Timothy shook his head.

“Only you?”

Timothy nodded.


Kendra froze as if she had thought of a terrible thing.

“Hey, this kid isn’t stupid!” Ella became happy again. “That’s good!”

Kendra said coldly, “Mom, he’s a poor boy. Don’t try to do something bad!”

“Don’t think me wrongly!” Ella beamed. “I just think we can ask his parents for some remuneration.”

“I don’t want to go home!” Timothy yelled, “Don’t send me to Daddy! I don’t want to!”

Kendra comforted him, “Calm down. I didn’t say I would send you to your father. After you think about it, I’ll follow your decision, okay?

Timothy nodded. “Thank you, Auntie.”

“Are you hungry? Want me to make something for you?”

Timothy looked at Kendra and nodded.

Ella’s expression was sullen. “But we have nothing extra for him. You’ve spent all the living expenses my son gave you.”


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