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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 213

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 212

Abel said bitterly, “Not yet, it takes time to check the surveillance in

the whole city.”

“But it’s very late. Will something happen to Timmy?”

“I’m thinking of calling Emmeline Maybe Timmy will get in touch with her.”

“That’s right! Timmy is close to Emmeline. You should call

Emmeline and ask.”

“Okay, I’ll hang up first. Mom, don’t

worry too much.”

“How can I not worry? Timmy is

my only grandson…”

“Don’t worry. I’ll find Timothy and

hand him over to you safely.”

“Okay, Abel. I’ll wait for your news.” Rosaline ended the call.

Meanwhile, Abel dialed

Emmeline’s number, but he was still on her blacklist. His face immediately darkened.

He took the car keys and rushed out of the office.

Twenty minutes later, Abel appeared at the Nightfall Cafe. As soon as he entered, his aggressive appearance scared away the only two customers.

“Mr. Abel?” Sam asked in surprise, “Why are you here at this time?”

“I want to see Emmeline,” Abel said coldly, “Don’t tell me she’s not here. I can’t get through to her


“Emma is upstairs. I’ll call her.”

“Hurry up!”

“Is somewhere on fire? You seem in a hurry.” Before Sam could go upstairs, Emmeline suddenly appeared on the stairs. She spoke coldly with disdain and sarcasm.

“Are you here to tell me that you and Alana are getting engaged? Congratulation!”

“Emma.” Abel looked at her and frowned. “Have you seen Timothy?”


Emmeline froze. “What’s wrong with Timothy?”

“It’s been half a day since Timmy

Fan away.”

Emmeline was startled. She wanted to go downstairs and ask Abel for the details. But under her anxiety, she fell down the stairs.

“Emma!” Abel rushed forward to catch her in his arms.

Emmeline did not care about herself. She pushed Abel away and asked, “Why did Timothy run away?”

“I’ll explain it later. Timmy is close to you. Did he call you?”

“No, he didn’t.”

Emmeline suddenly thought of her triplets, then ran upstairs.

“Have any of you ever gotten a call

from Timothy?”

The triplets were taken aback, and Emmeline told them the matter quickly.

The triplets were startled when they heard Timothy was gone.

They felt anxious and worried.

“But Mommy, I didn’t get a call from Timothy,” Helios said.

“Me neither.” Endymion shook his head.

“Me too,” Hesperus added.

Emmeline turned and looked at Abel in despair.

“What should we do now?”

Abel frowned and said, “We can enly wait for the news. What’s worse, I suddenly remember that Timmy’s phone is in his backpack, and his backpack is in my car.”

Emmeline panicked even more now Timmy won’t remember my number. Can he remember yours?”

“I don’t know.” Abel also panicked. “I hope he can remember the number of Levan Mansion.”

“Then notify the butler now! Ask them to keep an eye on the phone!”

Abel hurriedly called Levan Mansion and gave some instructions.

“Where are we going to find him now?” Emmeline was about to cry.


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