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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 214

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 214

“What’s wrong?” Abel tilted his head to her.

“I seem to have seen this woman somewhere but can’t remember it.”

“It’s only a vague silhouette, not very recognizable.”

“Well, we can only use it.”

They went to the supermarket and parked the car in the parking lot.

Abel and Emmeline walked to the nearby community. At this time, many elders did exercises in the community garden.

Emmeline grabbed a woman and asked her with the video, “Madam, did you see this woman with this little boy this afternoon?”

The woman shook her head

“Thank you!”

Emmeline moved on to the next person./

The woman stopped Emmeline. “Hey, Miss! You add me to WhatsApp and send me the video. I’ll send it to the group to ask others.”

“Thank you so much!” Emmeline hurriedly added the woman to WhatsApp and sent her the video.

The woman posted the video to the community group and asked if anyone knew about Kendra in the video

After a while, the group spoke up, but most said Kendra was not in this community.

The woman said, “It seems she’s not from our community. You can go ask in the next community.”

“Okay, thank you!”

Abel had also asked several men, and the news he got was consistent with Emmeline’s. So they went to the next community.

It was 10.00 pm. Timothy had dinner with Kendra.

Although dinner was only a plate of pasta, Timothy was full. The baby also had enough cereal and fell asleep in the crib.

Kendra sat beside Timothy and asked him something.

Ella had not returned, and Timothy was willing to talk to Kendra.


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