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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 217

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 217

Luca replied, “Everyone ignored the farther place. We only looked around here.”

Abel nodded. “I didn’t expect that either.”

“Inspector Charles will give us results shortly.”

Luca looked worried. “I just hope Timothy is still with that woman.”

Emmeline and Abel were anxious again.

It was not enough to find Kendra but also to confirm Timothy was safe.

Timothy’s identity was prominent. If someone targeted him, the consequences would be disastrous. But right now, Kendra was the only clue.

The bodyguards got into the car again. Abel brought Emmeline, then started the car.

Everyone went to the area beyond the intersection. There were several large communities gathered there.

According to what Luca knew, the community here was relatively civilian, and even no monitoring facilities in some places, They had no idea where to go right now. Inspector Charles was still investigating.

The lack of monitoring facilities brought difficulties to the investigation work. But Inspector Charles was already great to target this area in such a short time.

Emmeline and Abel sat in the car and felt frustrated.

The température dropped suddenly at night. Emmeline sneezed twice.

Abel reached out distressed and held her in his arms.

He stroked her hair and whispered, “Sorry. I’ve troubled you and let you stay with me at such a late hour,”

Emmeline responded lightly, “I’m not for you but for Timothy. He’s like my son.”

“I know,” Abel said bitterly, then hugged Emmeline tighter.

He prayed that everything would be settled. Then, he could marry Emmeline and make her Timothy’s mother.

However, after thinking about it, even if he settled Alana, Adrien still pursued Emmeline.

What a headache! Abel could not help but sigh.


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