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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 218

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 218

Ella pointed to the bedroom. “He’s still sleeping inside.”

The middle-aged woman whispered, “That’s good. The car is waiting outside.”

Ella grabbed the middle-aged woman’s arm. “Remember to transfer me 40 thousand!”

The middle-aged woman answered, “Yes, I’ll transfer it later.”

“That’s good.” Ella nodded.

They sneaked into the bedroom and saw Timothy lying on the bed. Timothy was cute and chubby, which could sell at a high price.

The middle-aged woman would transfer Ella 40 thousand, while the other party promised to give her 60 thousand to 80 thousand.

Seeing Timothy’s appearance, the middle-aged woman guessed she could get 80 thousand successfully. She was pleased.

“Hurry up!” Ella urged.

The middle-aged woman pulled off the sheet and wrapped Timothy up.

Timothy immediately woke up and wanted to scream, but Ella shoved a towel into his mouth. Timothy’s eyes filled with horror.

The middle-aged woman pulled the sheet over Timothy’s head and carried him out.

In a few minutes, Ella got bank card information which reminded her that she had received a transfer of 40 thousand dollars.

“Hahaha, I got rich! I can pay off my gambling debts!” Ella jumped up happily.

Her cheer made the baby cry. Ella scolded her, then fed her some leftover cereal.

After the baby fell asleep, Ella found it was still early before the time she played cards. So, she happily lay down on the bed to sleep again.

Henry got up, then went to work cursing without eating breakfast.

At 10.00 am, there was a knock on the door. Ella happened to wake up and thought it was her friends. She hurriedly opened the door but found several police outside.

Ella’s face turned pafe, and she was about to pee in fright.

It took less than four hours for her to sell Timothy. She did not expect the police to discover it so soon.


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