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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 224

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 224

When they found Timothy, Abel rushed to hug him agitatedly.

Alana was beside them.

Amid chaos, Abel caught a glimpse of Emmeline who couldn’t stand straight looking very pale. She was in Benjamin’s arms staring back at the three of them hopelessly.

Abel knew he hurt Emmeline.

“Is it okay, Daddy?” Timothy asked.

“Hmm. As long as Emmeline agrees to it, we will bring her.”

“Thanks, Daddy.”

“And also…” Abel wanted to say Emmeline searched for him throughout the night but he didn’t. He felt that it was not a good thing if Timothy relied on Emmeline too much.

Abel went to the cafe after he comforted Timothy. He didn’t know how to comfort Emmeline, he just wanted to stay by her side and embraced her quietly. Words couldn’t describe their relationship.

However, Benjamin was still accompanying Emmeline. She looked pale while she was asleep and there were tears in the corner of her eyes.

When Benjamin saw Abel enter the cafe, he dragged him to the platform and punched him.

Abel was unable to dodge the hit and he felt a sting. He never thought that Benjamín was so powerful.

Another punch almost landed on his face before he blocked it with his hands.

“You still have the guts to come here?” Benjamin asked furiously.

“I know I’m at fault. That’s why I’m here!” Abel retorted.

“You shouldn’t have let her search the kid with you.”

“You saw how worried she was. Do I have the heart to stop her?”

Benjamin kept quiet. He knew how deeply Emmeline cared for Timothy, They stopped fighting.


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