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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 225

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 225

“Benjamin, I don’t need you meddling with the business between me and Abel.”

A clear voice was heard. They saw Emmeline standing there with tears flowing down her face.

“Emma…” Abel and Benjamin were stunned.

Emmeline looked fragile and determined at the same time.

“I’m okay now. Both of you, please leave.”

Abel kept quiet.

“Emma, wake up! Don’t be silly.” Benjamin said.

“I said that’s my business!” Emmeline cried. She missed

Timothy very much. She wouldn’t listen to anyone including herself.

This is weird. Abel stepped forward to hold her hands when he saw her tremble. She turned around and dodged.

“Please leave. Don’t bother me.”

She left and the two men looked at each other in dismay.

“Mr. Benjamin, just as she said. We will solve our problems by ourselves. Please don’t meddle in our business.”

Don’t meddle? What would I tell

Master Adelmar if anything

happened to Emma?

“Lastly, Mr. Benjamin,” Abel

cleared his voice with a cough. “I

truly love Emmeline. I will not give her up no matter how difficult the situation is. It’s no use fighting with me!”

Abel left the platform leaving Benjamin to think of his words.

He would not give Emmeline up?

Benjamin felt a pain in his heart.

The next day, Timothy begged Abel to let him meet Kendra.

Abel made a call to Emmeline to invite her too. She accepted the invitation.

Emmeline and Timothy bought a large amount of milk powder and some baby supplies at the

supermarket. Abel helped them to put them in the car.


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