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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 234

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 234

She knew that Benjamin held deep feelings for herself, but she didn’t know to what extent.

Janie’s words made her understand somehow.

“Emma, the man that you love, could it be Mr. Adrien?” Janie looked into Emmeline’s eyes and asked.

Emmeline lost her smile, “What? No way.”

“But you had children with him.”

“That was just an accident.”

“Then you will marry Mr. Adrien?”

Emmeline shook her head.

“Then what about your kids? They wouldn’t be able to stay with their father.”

Emmeline’s heart sank. This was a question that she hadn’t really thought about.

Abel would marry Alana. Would she sacrifice for the triplets? Will she feel sorry for the kids?

“Ms. Janie, the noodles are ready,” Bayun said from the stairs.

Janie ran down leaving Emmetine alone in the cold air to think.

The next day, Emmeline went to the studios again.

There were many action scenes recently. The crew had to catch up and Emmeline doesn’t want to hold back Mr. Faughn.

After a morning of filming, Emmeline finished her job. She changed her costume and took the keys to the bike, ready to leave.

When she came out, she saw Abel’s Rolls Royce parked not far away.

Emmeline was slightly stunned. She thought that he came here to look for herself. Did something happen to Timothy again?

She took a few steps closer.

Seeing Emmeline walking over, Abel got out of the car.

He seems to have lost weight recently. His cheekbone was more prominent and he looked as dashing as ever.

Emmeline couldn’t help but stare at him.

“Emma,” Abel called.

“You are looking for me?” Emmeline stopped and looked at him.


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