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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 235

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 235

Emmeline wiped her tears and took out her phone to text Timothy. She encouraged Timothy to take his medication and shots to get well soon.

However, she deleted the message. She felt that it’s better for Alana to do it.

She didn’t want to interfere as it would affect the relationship. between the mother and son.

He wouldn’t know the consequences now as he was still young.

When Emmeline left, Adrien laughed hiding in the corner. He quickly made a phone call to Adam “Guess what, Adam!”

“What? You sound happy!” Adam mocked him.

“I think your plan of ‘saving the damsel in distress’ works! Emmeline’s is inclining towards me.”

“What are you talking about?”

There were moaning sounds from the other side of the phone and Adam sounded annoyed.

Adrien was stunned and an image formed in his head.

His brother is… Whatever. He’s also a man.

“I saw Emmeline reject Abel just now and he left feeling upset.” Adrien continued the conversation.

Hs it? Get lost!” Adam sounded excited now as he asked the woman to get away from him.

Adrien was stunned again.

“Not you. Looks like I still have to help you out to make Emmeline fall for you, not just some inclining.”

“That’s why I’m calling you for help!”

“The idea is already there.

Someone came over last time and thought of it for me.”

“Someone? Who?” Adrien asked.

Of course, it was Alana. However, Adam had no plans to tell him about it.


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