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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 244

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 244

Sam could only let her go, as she knew she wasn’t able to make her change her mind. She had won several awards in Reykjavík. There should not be a problem.

Emmeline went back upstairs and changed into a black biker outfit and her hair tied up in a ponytail.

She brought out her bike from the garage. It looked mottled on the outside, but it was the design. Her bike is worth up to 45 thousand dollars.

Emmeline speeded off after wearing her helmet. Sam was dumbfounded as Emmeline sped off so quickly.

Adam’s men called him as they watched Emmeline disappear from their sight.

Mr. Adam, Emmeline has left on her bike.”

“Follow her.”

“But that speed of hers…”

“That’s your business, I just need to know where she went.”

“Yes, sir!” The man on the stakeout took out his walkie-talkie, “Crossroads ahead, keep an eye on that black bike.”

“That bike passed by like a ghost.”

“I don’t care. Mr. Adam wants to know where she went.”


“Well, I’ll wait for your call.”

Half an hour later, Adam received a call.

“Mr. Adam, Emmeline is at the Swan Lake Race Track.”

“A racing track?” Adam was a little surprised, “She is wild enough!”

“What should we do now?”

“Find two racers immediately and rush to Swan Lake!”

“Yes, Mr. Adam!”

Another half hour later, Adam sat in the car and looked at the racing track from not far away.


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