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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 245

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 245

The other racers came up one after another.

“Mr. Adam, that girl is good. She had the stance,” said the bodyguard from the passenger seat

“Let her ride. If she could win against those guys, put on our professionals.”

“Yes, sir. They are waiting at the side.”

Adam nodded. His eyes never left Emmeline. He was attracted to her.


The sound of the signal gun was heard.

9 of the bikes started swiftly. The whole track had 91 turns, and each of them were very curved and steep. The ability and skills of the racers would be tested here.

A bike didn’t handle well and tumbled out of the track. The rider was thrown far away and landed in the grass.

Not many people bothered to pay attention to him. Everyone was fixated on the riders of the track.

Emmeline’s bike was like a fish. She maneuvered and sped through every turn perfectly. Her actions made Adam nervous and he cursed Abel, Adrien, and Benjamin in his head.

What’s wrong with these men, don’t they know this girl is playing with


her life? She was risking her life for the award money. You guys love her but you let her gamble with her life?

Adrien wanted to pull her off the car and hugged her tightly while telling her, “Don’t do this anymore, girl! From now on, you’ll have me…”

Get out of my way Abel, Adrien, and Benjamin!

The riders need to complete 4 laps of the track, this added up to more than 360 turns. It was really a game of life.


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