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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 247

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 247

Emmeline stopped next to the door of the passenger seat.

As the car window rolled down, she could see a man, who had a black mask over his face, sitting inside the car. She sensed a dangerous aura from the man the instant their eyes met.

Emmeline was briefly stunned. “You…..”

Just then, she caught a whiff of a strange scent and started feeling dizzy. As she began to lose consciousness, she felt someone pushed her into the car. Then, everything turned dark.

An hour later, Emmeline was moved into a room on the highest level of Section G inside the

Imperial Palace. Adam used the

place as his living space and workspace simultaneously.

As she slowly woke up, Emmeline opened her eyes and saw the thin bed curtains hanging above her. She looked around and found herself lying on a big, round bed. Then, she noticed that she was not wearing the outfit she had picked out for the day. Instead, she was wearing a sexy, sheer nightgown.

Emmeline let out a yelp in horror. She quickly pulled on the blanket and covered her voluptuous form.

Where am I? What happened to my clothes?

She tried to sit up and move out of the bed next. However, no matter how hard she tried, Emmeline

eouldn’t muster any strength in her body. Then, a thought occurred to her.

Was it Vampire Dust?

Only the members of the Adelmar family knew how to make Vampire Dust, and they seldom produced the drug since it was often used for unscrupulous purposes.

Since a person who had taken the drug would lose strength in their body, people would use Vampire Dust to overpower their targets so that they could do whatever they want to their victims.

Emmeline had a hunch that she was drugged with Vampire Dust.

Who was it that had used that drug to subdue me? Also, how did they

know how to make Vampire Dust?

Emmeline recalled the man with the black mask. She remembered hearing the man laugh as his bodyguard shoved her into the car before she passed out.

Emmeline was seething as she yelled menacingly, “Get out here, you b*stard!”

Sadly, her voice came out soft despite her efforts to sound angry and hostile.


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