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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 246

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 246

Emmeline was tossed up by the crowd. She was like a god-like existence in everyone’s eyes.

“Mr. Adam, what about our professionals?” The bodyguard asked.

“Call them now.”

Although he was nervous for Emmeline, he wanted to see how she would perform in the end. He could see that it was completely unnecessary to worry about her safety.

This woman’s skills were formidable!

Luckily, he brought Vampire Dust to control her, Adam thought.

The bodyguard went to the back and called for two racers. Their legs were like jelly before the race.

“You’ve gone soft before you even got on the track?”

“Mr. Adam, I will not have any problem dealing with the other racers but, I admit defeat to the girl.”

“Me too. I had only seen a person with such skills in the Reykjavík International Competition. No one could reach that level.”

“I call you guys for nothing then?” Adam said angrily.

“It’s okay to play along for a while. Don’t even think about taking first place.”

“Since we are here, let’s play! I’ll

Faise the prize money to 10 million! 5 million each for the top three!”

When the two riders heard that, they were cool with it. They could still get 5 million from getting second or third place.

“Let’s go then.” The two riders got on their bikes and sped off.

The bodyguard went over to the organizer and told him that the prize money was raised to 10 million.

It brought up the atmosphere and crowd excitement again. This was the first time having 10 million as prize money.

Emmeline glanced at the black luxury cars over there. Who was being so generous?

She entered the ninth track again. The professionals hired by Adam went into the seventh and eighth track respectively.


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