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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 253

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 253

“Alright.” Benjamin nodded. “We’ll use your place, and I’ll station my men there to guard and protect the kids.”

Abel turned his eyes to Daisy next. “You should come with us too so that you could look after the kids.”

“Of course! Then, I’ll pack our stuff first,” Daisy answered at once.

An hour later, those three kids and the adults arrived at Abel’s mansion, the Precipice. Benjamin also had six of his best bodyguards come to the mansion and work with Abel’s bodyguards to maximize the security in that place.

While Daisy was helping the kids unpack and settle down in their rooms, Abel and Benjamin were

having a discussion about their next step.

Abel said, “I’ll try meeting with Adam and see what he has to say about Emmeline’s disappearance.”

“I come with you,” Benjamin replied.

“What if Adam decides to

overpower and capture both of us when we’re there?” Abel narrowed his eyes and gave Benjamin a sidelong glance.

Benjamin thought about it for a bit.

He’s right. If something bad were to happen to him during their meeting, I’d still be able to offer him help if I stayed behind. It’d be the end of us if we’re both caught.

I’ll wait for the news from you, then.” Benjamin nodded eventually.

A few moments later, Abel and Luca left the Precipice in the Rolls- Royce. Abel turned on his phone and dialed Adam’s number.

After a long while, Adam finally picked up. Abel could hear his deep voice over the line.


“Adam.” Abel asked

straightforwardly, “Did you abduct Emmeline?”

There was a brief pause as Adam timed his reaction. Then, he acted as if he had gotten the shock of his life. “Have you lost your mind? Why would I abduct Emmeline? I

don’t even know the lady that well.”

“I’m not so sure about that.” Abel replied in a monotonous voice, “Where are you now, Adam? Let’s meet and talk face-to-face.”

There was another pause as Adam lit up a cigar and drew on it.

“Come to the Avalan, then. We might as well use the opportunity to have a chat and catch up.”


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