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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 254

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 254

“Tsk tsk!” Adam stroked his mustache. “What’s with the grouchy look on your face? You’re here to see your brother, right? It’s not like you’re here to pick a fight.”

“I don’t have the time for useless chatters, Adam.” Abel had a frigid expression on his face. “I just want to know if you’ve taken Emmeline away?”

“Abel.” Adam narrowed his eyes. “Why would you think that I’d do something like that? Would+ waste my time trying to bully a woman?”

“It might seem like that.” Abel gave a scoff. “However, you’re actually doing this to get back at me. I just don’t quite understand why Benjamin York from the Adelmar Group is also being targeted in


Hmph! It’s because he’s trying to woo Emmeline too!

Why did he have to fall in love with Emmeline too? There are so many beautiful women out there, yet he chooses to go after her as well. It’s entirely his fault for getting involved with her!

“I have nothing to do with it, so I’m afraid I can’t offer you the answers to your questions.” Adam slowly took a sip of wine.

“Hah!” Abel snickered, “Still, I can’t think of anyone else other than you who’s capable of doing something like this.”

“You flatter me, Abel.” Adam let out a hearty laugh. “You have

control over the Ryker Group now whereas I am enjoying my early retirement life. Don’t come and bother me with some weird


“Is that right?” Abel focused his gaze on Adam.

As expected of the cunning, old fox! I’ve been watching him this whole time, and he seems genuinely unaware of Emmeline’s disappearance.

Suddenly, a voice rang from behind Abel, “Adam, I need your help!”

Abel turned slightly and saw

Adrien running into the room


Adam raised his brows slightly.

He came just in time!

However, he yelled at Adrien in a displeased voice the next instant, “What is it this time? Why are you shouting helplessly like a coward?”

“I went to the cafe to see Emma, but the staff there told me that she was abducted!” Adrien replied in an anxious, rushed tone.

“I just got the news myself.” Adam said, “See. Abel is here to ask if I’ve taken her away.”

Adrien finally noticed that Abel

was in the room too.

“Abel?” Adrien hurriedly went up to him. “What’s happened to


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