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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 257

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 257

Emmeline flinched slightly and clutched at the hem of her

nightgown upon hearing that voice.

“Miss, I think the palace lord is back, Summer said in a low, shaky voice.

“What should I do?” Emmeline

seemed a little frightened as well.

“Well, you should open the door,” Summer replied.

“I can’t do that!” Emmeline shouted in the direction of the door next, “I don’t want to see you! I’m tired! I’m going to sleep now!”

“You don’t have a say in that! You’re just one of the many products that belong to the Imperial Palace!” Adam retorted


Emmeline shouted back at him, “Don’t try to push me! Otherwise,


I’ll find ways to end my life right now!”

“Don’t you dare do that!” Adam threatened, “If you try to kill yourself, I’ll abduct all three of your sons next!”

Emmeline froze upon hearing the man’s words.

He already knows that I have three kids!

How did he find out about this in such a short amount of time?!

“Who are you?” Emmeline raged, “What have I ever done to you to deserve all this?!”

Adam laughed cynically. “Let’s just say that luck hasn’t been on your side since you’ve run into me.”

Emmeline stomped toward the door and yanked it open. Her eyes were burning with rage as she fixed a murderous glare at the


“That’s more like it!” Adam

reached out to caress Emmeline’s cheek, but the lady took a step back and avoided his touch.

“Hahaha!” Adam laughed. Then, he clapped his hands twice.

Another maid came running down the corridor to his side. “What can I do for you, Sir?”


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