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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 258

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 258

Adam let out a contemptuous laugh. Then, he said, “Like it even when you do that!”

Soon afterward, Adam finished his dinner. He seemed a little tipsy after having a few drinks. Then, he signaled to the maid to leave the


Emmeline grew increasingly uneasy as the two of them were left in the room. She

subconsciously tightened her grip over those toothpicks.

Adam noticed how Emmeline’s face had turned pale. He grinned. “I don’t like forcing myself on the ladies. I’d prefer it if you looked less wary of me.”

“Perhaps you should leave then, Palace Lord.” Emmeline replied,

I’m sure there are even more beautiful and attractive ladies out there that are willing to serve you. Why bother wasting your time on a nobody like me?”

“You’re definitely not that. You’re way better than all the ladies out there,” Adam said.

… How do I get this man to leave? I don’t want to waste my time trying to argue with him anymore.

Adam rose to his feet and walked toward Emmeline, swaying a little due to the effects of the alcohol.

“Why do you only have eyes for Abel Ryker?”

Emmeline turned her gaze toward the man at the mention of Abel’s name. “Do you know him?”

“Of course! The current owner of the Ryker Group who’s known by almost everyone in Struyria! Would there be a person in our country who doesn’t know who he is?”

“Then, could you do this as a favor to Abel Ryker and release me?”

“Hahaha!” Adam burst out laughing. “You must have misunderstood something. I do know Abel, but I’m not friends with him.”

“Then, the two of you are…”

“We are sworn enemies. I’m going to take away everything from Abel, and that includes you…” Adam flashed her a sinister smile.

After a brief pause, Emmeline

Emmeline managed to cut the

skin of the area she was aiming at with the broken, sharp part of the toothpick.

Adam grimaced in pain. He quickly grabbed Emmeline’s hand and checked what she was holding. When he saw the snapped toothpick, he realized instantly what Emmeline was trying to do. He threw his arm back and slapped Emmeline hard across the face.


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