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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 259

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 259

Emmeline has asked this lady to get her some herbs and ingredients. That sounds very suspicious…

“Where’s the note?” Adam stretched out his palm. “Give it to mé now.”

Summer hurriedly took out the piece of paper and handed it to Adam.

“Fetch the physician. Get him here right now!” Adam bellowed his orders.

“Understood.” Summer turned around and hurried away upon receiving the order.

Sweat beaded Emmeline’s forehead as she stood at the side.

Her face was as white as a sheet.

was too reckless. How could I choose to trust someone that I’ve met for the first time in a place like this?!

That lady is willing to stay and work at a horrible place like this. It’s no surprise that she’s reported my request to her master to earn his favor.

I just hope that the physician won’t be able to tell what the herbs and ingredients listed on the note are for.

A short while later, Summer returned to the room with the physician, Erwin Rourke.

“Were you asking for me, Sir?”

Adam passed the piece of paper to him. “Take a look at this and see if you can tell what those items are used for?”

Erwin pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose and scanned the list of ingredients.

“There are only six herbal ingredients listed here, and none of them really stood out to me, Sir. I don’t see anything special about this.”

Emmeline breathed a small sigh of relief upon hearing that.

Suddenly, Adam asked, “Look at the list again. Are there any ingredients that can be used to make the antidote for the Vampire Dust in there?”

Erwin studied the note again for a while. Then, he said, “We need twelve ingredients to make the antidote for the Vampire Dust. Surprisingly, the six ingredients listed here happen to coincide with half of the list of ingredients we need to make the Vampire Dust antidote.”


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