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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 266

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 266

Lewis exchanged looks with Rosaline, and their faces crumpled. Landan and Julianna also looked at each other.

“Abel,” Rosaline said, “I won’t oppose you to save a life. But she belongs to Adrien, so Landen’s family should be the ones saving her!”

“What is this logic?” Abel asked, “How does she belong to Adrien?”

“She gave birth to three of his children,” Lewis said coldly. “It’s not your place to save her!’

“I don’t care,” Abel stood up abruptly and said, “I will save her at all costs!”

“Julianna,” Rosaline said

helplessly, “c’mon, say something.

“It turns out that Abel wants to use this money to save the mother of your three grandchildren.”

Julianna was lost for words.

Landen coughed and said, “It’s not as easy as you think!”

“That’s right,” Julianna responded. “Emmeline did give birth to the three children, but she’s not married to our son yet. So, she’s not officially considered part of our family. What’s more, she was having indescribable relationships with Abel and Benjamin; we pity our son a lot. We can’t do much for her, even if she’s in deep trouble. And we won’t risk our company for a woman like her.”

“Alright, I’ve made up my mind. Our family won’t save her, and we

won’t be responsible if something happens to her. The three kids stay with us, and it would be easier for Adrien too.”

Abel looked down, and he almost laughed at Julianna’s words. Humans are selfish, and it’s so scary! Now that she wants to keep the three children to herself, Luckily, Benjamin and I protected the children.

“Abel,” Rosaline said indifferently, “even though they all can be so heartless, then we shouldn’t interfere! Emmeline is not related to us at all. It’s all up to her fate now.”

“Yes, Abel,” Lewis also said, “we should not and could not interfere in this matter!”


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