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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 267

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 267

Oscar was deep in thought. On one hand, he was quite fond of Abel’s character. Abel had a moral compass, unlike Landen and his wife. On the other hand, letting him use the company fund was out of the picture. The company’s interest came before Emmeline’s

Adam stood up. “Grandpa, if Abel insists on putting the entire Ryker Group at risk, you should revoke his title as the CEO. He isn’t acting like one anyway.”

“Adam!” Abel interjected. “This is not a reckless act. My overseas projects are lucrative enough to earn 500 million dollars in six months. Not to mention my other projects too.”

“Do you have proof?”

“Go check the records in the office, Adam. Why would I fake that?”

Julianna decided to speak up. “Either way, you can only reassure everyone here if you’re willing to relinquish your position.”

“Julianna! You’re just trying to force Abel to step down here,” said Rosaline.

“Blame your son’s incompetence. How can he be the company’s CEO when he’s willing to risk it all for a woman.”

“And someone ungrateful who is willing to let the mother of his son die is better as a CEO?”

“I can’t believe Emmeline had such disgusting in-laws,” uttered

Rosaline sarcastically.


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