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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 289

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 289

Abel frowned and explained, “It hurts. It hurts so bad that my muscles are twitching.”

Emmeline stood up and said, “The painkiller must have worn off. I’ll go get some water and medicine for you.”

“Can you do it?” Abel asked.

When he noticed how frail she seemed, he felt bad for her.

“I’m fine. I just lacked strength. I can still get water and medicine without a problem.”

Abel helped her get out of bed by supporting her with one arm.

Emmeline poured a cup of water, grabbed the painkillers, and returned to the bedside. Then, she

gave Abel the medication as he was sitting up in bed.

When the painkiller finally kicked in, Abel dozed off once more. Emmeline, meanwhile, was exhausted, so she curled up in his arms and fell asleep.

Alana could not stand it any longer in the living room. She raised her long dress and prepared to ascend the stairs.

The bodyguard stopped her and said, “Ms. Lane, you can’t go up there.”

“Abel is my future husband, why can’t I go up there?” Alana responded while arching her delicate brows.

The bodyguard said coldly, “I don’t eare about that. All I know is that Abel is resting, and no one is allowed to disturb him!”


Alana slapped the bodyguard and reprimanded, “You’ve got a lot of nerves. Don’t you worry that if I marry Abel, you’ll be the first person I fire?”

“If Mr. Abel really wants me to leave, there is nothing I can do about it,” the bodyguard said while covering his face. “I have to protect him for the time being.”

“You…,” Alana was enraged and wanted to scream.

The bodyguard said, “There’s no point for you to scream. These rooms have exceptional soundproofing capabilities. Mr. Abel won’t be able to hear you even if you scream until your lung is out.”

Alana was stunned for a while, then she sneered, “You think I have no other means?”

She reached into her handbag for her phone and dialed Abel’s number. As expected, the bodyguard was powerless to prevent her from using her phone.


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