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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 290

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 290

When Abel started to descend the stairs, Alana and the bodyguard looked up. He had exited his bedroom without putting on a shirt to answer the phone call.

He had one of his arms bandaged, and it was uncomfortable to put on a shirt. He was shirtless, Abel just exposed his muscular chest and arms and descended the stairs like a devil from hell.

Alana had fallen into a state of shock. This was her first time seeing Abel shirtless. His sexy aura and strong muscles immediately captured her heart. She was unaware of Abel’s question as greed and desire flashed in her dark eyes.

“I’m speaking with you,” Abel chided from a towering position in front of Alana.


Alana finally replied, ” Abel, I was just letting out a little steam. Your bodyguard was being mean to me earlier.”

Abel sneered, “Really? My men always have good self-discipline.”

“Well, ask him,” Alana pointed her delicate finger at the bodyguard, “Did you just yell at me?”

The bodyguard remained silent for a while. He reasoned that he should not argue with a woman, so he reluctantly lowered his head and said in a deep voice, “I’m sorry,”

“That’s settled then.”

Abel understood that the bodyguard was not to blame. He was well acquainted with his bodyguards, but at this moment, he could not argue with Alana.

“Why are you here instead of the hospital?”

Alana replied, “I came to see you. I ran into Adrien at the hospital, he said you were injured.”

Alana seized the opportunity to pounce on Abel. She said sweetly, “Abel, are you alright? Why aren’t you at the hospital? There, I’ll be able to look after you.”

Abel replied coldly, “It’s inconvenient. Here is fine.”

Alana quickly picked up the bag in her hand and said, “Here are some nutritional supplements I bought for you. Do you want me to make you some broth?”


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