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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 293

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 293

Benjamin called out in surprise, “Emma! Are you alright?”

“I’m fine,” Emmeline replied with a cold expression, “I need to go back to the cafe. I need you to take me home, Mr. Benjamin.”

“Alright!” Benjamin sprinted up the stairs.

Abel also hurried over and asked with a frown, “Emma? Aren’t you supposed to stay here?”

“I told you it’s inconvenient here. I want to go back.”

Emmeline cast a cold glance at Alana, who was downstairs. She’d seen Abel and Alana getting intimate just a moment ago.

He breaks my heart. Why should I continue to be here? Moreover, I should go home and prepare the antidote for Vampire Dust.

Emmeline’s cold gaze fell on Benjamin’s face, and she pleaded, “Mr. Benjamin, please take me home.”

Benjamin understood Emmeline’s reasons for being adamant about leaving. Of course, it was due to the antidote and Alana.

“Alright,” Benjamin nodded and reached out to Emmeline.

Emmeline placed her cold little hand into his warm and large palm.

Abel said in a somewhat

distressed tone, “Emma, you…”

I’m fine,” Emmeline said coldly, “but you should be more careful and watch out for infection in your wound.”

Abel was at a loss for words.

Alána stepped forward and sneered, “You shouldn’t be worried about that. Abel has me by his side.”

“That’s true,” Emmeline agreed.

As they went down the stairs, Emmeline leaned on Benjamin’s arm. She lacks the strength to walk.

She felt that without Benjamin, she might have fallen flat on her face. Emmeline’s weakness was noted by Benjamin, who then drew her into his arms.


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