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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 294

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 294

Emmeline sat in Benjamin’s Bentley. Her body was trembling as Benjamin removed his coat and draped her with it before encircling her in his arms.

“Everything is behind us, Emma. You’re fine now.”

He kissed Emmeline’s soft hair on top of her head.

The only places I could kiss Emmeline are probably here or on her forehead. The opportunities for me to kiss her forehead are so rare that they could be ignored.

Even if I tried to give her a brotherly blessing by kissing her forehead, Emmeline would dodge it. She not only avoided it but also reprimanded me. She would also kick and hit me, but every time it happened, I felt happy inside.

Benjamin felt bitter this time around. He could see that she was hurt and that her heart was broken. She must have observed Abel and Alana engaged in some activity.

If I tried to defend Abel at this point, Emmeline wouldn’t accept it. Instead, she would become upset, believing I’m supporting Abel. She would think that it had only been a few days, but I had betrayed her and “sided” with Abel.

Although he had as much faith in Abel as he did in himself. Since Benjamin was well aware of Emmeline’s psychological makeup, he had to console her rather than stand up for Abel.

Benjamin whispered gently, “We’re going home now. It’s all in the past. I’ll be with you, along with the kids, Daisy, and Sam. We are a family, Emma, so don’t be sad. You still have us.”

Emmeline squirmed in his arms and said, “Hmm.”

That’s right, Daisy, Sam, the kids, Benjamin, and I are a family. We all came together from Adelmar Island in Reykjavík to Struyria. Benjamin arrived two or three years earlier than me.

Emmeline sniffed and said, “It’s all in the past; I’m not sad anymore.”

Benjamin patted her and said, “We’ll be at the cafe shortly. I would have taken you back to Glenbrook if I hadn’t been worried

that you might need the antidote. The kids are doing great there.”

Emmeline wiped her tears and said, “Let’s pick them up. Now would be a good time for them to go to kindergarten.”

Benjamin replied, “Alright. I’ll send some bodyguards your way to keep you all safe.”


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