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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 296

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 296

Abel and I were their intended targets,” Benjamin said, leaning against the doorframe.

Daisy questioned, “Abel and you? Why?”

“The Palace Lord targets Abel because he envies his standing in the Ryker Group. He’s after me because I frequently show up by Emma’s side.”

Sam and Daisy were both taken aback by Benjamin’s speculation.

“You’re saying Adrien did it, then?”

Benjamin said, “Of course not. Adrien lacks the balls, as Abel said.”

Emmeline gazed at him deeply and reasoned, “Then it must be Adam. The mask-wearing man has always reminded me of Adam.”

Now it was Benjamin’s turn to be surprised. He asked, “You’re saying Adam is the Palace Lord of the Imperial Palace?”

Emmeline pouted and said, “It’s just my guess. They look similar, but we have no reason to take action against Adam due to the resemblance.”

“Right,” Benjamin nodded, “I’ll look into it.”

Emmeline said, “The children should have their meal for now. Daisy and I will prepare more food for everyone else.”

Benjamin said, “Maybe you should take it easy. You don’t have much strength.”

Everyone in the room began to worry about Emmeline after he said this.

“What’s wrong with Mommy?”

“Are you injured?”

“Are you sick?”

Sam and Daisy asked together, “Ms. Louise, are you being- poisoned by vampire dust?”

Emmeline said, “Yes, that’s the name of the drug. It’s fine; I’ll prepare a remedy after lunch.”

“Alright, let’s check the lab to see if any ingredients are missing; if we do, I’ll go buy them,” Daisy said.

Emmeline said, “I’ll check later. We should cook now.”


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